The Summer Sizzle: How to Dress Stylish and Comfortable in the Hot Summer Heat

The Summer Sizzle: How to Dress Stylish and Comfortable in the Hot Summer Heat


This summer is starting off with high temperatures everywhere you look. Arizona is hitting record numbers around 120 degrees and the rest of the states are feeling it too. Wearing multiple extra layers while riding a 1200 pound animal can add even more heat to the mix. Check out these tips to staying cool this summer in and out of the show pen.


In the Show Pen:


Thick jackets and chaps are not your friend in the summer. Here are some lighter options that still have a top notch look!


 For the top half it’s becoming more and more popular to ditch the heavy jackets and throw on a fitted button-up shirt for any western class. Since we are past Memorial Day, try using a light straw hat in place of a felt hat. In the hunt classes, a dickey can be worn instead of a long sleeved shirt, or you can try the new Noble Outfitters mesh shirts.


On the bottom half you can replace rough out chaps with ultra suede. This material is a little lighter. You can also use Kimes Ranch Black Betty or Betty 17 jeans instead of show pants under your chaps for a more comfortable ride.




In the Practice Pen:

This is where the real heat is. Most of the time the warm up pens don’t have air conditioning, which can be a little uncomfortable. Try some of these ideas for a cooler ride.



For the girls, a Kimes Ranch tank top or flowy, loose fitting shirt is a great way to look cute and not get too hot. You could also add a Kimes Ranch cap to keep those beautiful locks out of the way.


For the guys a Kimes Ranch t-shirt or Cowboy Couture polo creates a professional, yet comfortable look. Pair it up with the Dillon 2.0 or Chuck Kimes jeans and you will look and feel great.



When you aren’t riding, Twisted X boots are cozy and great to use for showmanship practice.




Photos Courtesy of Katie Van Slyke, Lorri Ellis, and Kirstie Marie Photography



July 5, 2017


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